Beer: Denogginizer
Brewery: Drake's Brewing Company
Brew: Imperial IPA
IBUs: 90
ABV: 9.75%
I'm Chris, I'm a biochemist, I have terrible spelling and an unrelenting passion for beer. This is the first post and the first beer of hundreds I have decided to review, hopefully turning my passion into an unbiased (kinda) resource for other beer-enthusiasts. Better pictures to come.
I have never heard of Drake's Brewing before, let alone Denogginizer - I was pleasantly surprised. The name? At 9.75%, fitting.
On pour, it had a strong, good quality head. Initially, this brew was a bit intense, but after a while in the glass it became a nice bright IPA with a strong kick. A mild malty flavor tries its best to balance the overpowering hoppy character of the beer (personally, I love bitter beers). If you are looking for something easy to drink and cheap stay well away from this one. But if you like a good kick in the throat and you are looking for something for a special occasion, this is a drink for you.
Overall Rating: B+
Sorry about the crummy picture, better to come.
I know that crummy little corner in the photo...Haha dude it's good to see you've found a good way to pass the time now that finals are done. Hopefully we can provide a number of new reviews for ya over break.