Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Allies Win the War!

Alright guys, this is a seriously weird one. As per the description on the website, this beer is an English-style strong ale aged with dates. I'm going to give you what I think about it, but I'm not going to rate it until I try it again. Also, I have always liked this brewery because they use cans instead of bottles, in my opinion this leads to fresher beer at the consumers end because of the light proof and airtight container. Anyway, here is the review:

Beer: Allies Win the War
Brewery: 21st Amendment Brewery
Brew: English Ale? (With dates, apparently.) 
IBUs: 52
ABV: 8.5%

On pour, the beer had a rich red copper color with a very thick, light brown, and creamy head that lasted until I finished the beer. The aroma of the beer was kind of fruity, but very lightly so. 

With a slight initial bitter, the body of the beer was hard to describe. To me the beer seemed to have a full body, with a sweetness (probably from the dates) that complimented the malty flavor well. Allies Win the War had a very quick bitter finish. 

As I said before, I don't feel comfortable rating this beer until I try it again. I'll give everybody an update in the next few days. 

Overall: Unrated (Try it and let me know what you think!)


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